Katalin Szalai, Márton Levente Horváth - Composers' Night
Katalin Szalai - János Arany: Heritage
Song cycle for baritone and piano
Márton Levente Horváth: Pieces pour M.I.
for piano
Katalin Szalai: Circles
for string quartet
Márton Levente Horváth: Fodrok
for soprano and mezzosoprano and piano (premiere)
Katalin Szalai - Miklós Radnóti: Calendar
for soprano and mezzosoprano and piano
Márton Levente Horváth: Crosswords
for string quartet
Szalai Katalin: Chansons for Poems by Anna Szabó T. and János Lackfi
for soprano
- Angelika Czabán- soprano
- Andrea Csereklyei - soprano
- Diána Hajdú - mezzo-soprano
- Lőrinc Kósa - baritone
- Gábor Monostori - piano
- Márton Levente Horváth - piano
- Krulik Quartet
Freshness, humour, beauty, profoundness and drama characterize the two composer's musical universe. Poems of yore go hand in hand with contemporary lyrics to speak about thoughts and feelings in a new way.
A programra a belépés díjtalan. A helyfoglalás érkezési sorrendben történik.