Divertimento Ensemble: Music+Dance
Maurizio Azzan: Umano(dis)umano (with electronics)
Huck Hodge: Apophenia
Daniela Terranova: Lying down on the horizon
- Divertimento Ensemble
- Alessandro Baticci - fuvola
- Luca Avanzi - oboa
- Maurizio Longoni - klarinét
- Lorenzo Gorli - hegedű
- Maria Ronchini - brácsa
- Martina Rudic - cselló
- Maria Grazia Bellocchio - zongora
- Luca Gusella - ütős hangszerek
- Sandro Gorli
- AiEP Dance Company: Chiara Ameglio, Stefano Roveda - táncos
- Koreográfus: Ariella Vidach
Three compositions for music and dance are presented in this special event, produced under the auspices of the Ulysses Network of European contemporary music organizations. The three composers were selected by the Divertimento Ensemble and the Dance Company AiEP from a large number of applicants.
1987-born Maurizio Azzam can claim a number of competition awards, including the prize “Feeding Music” International Composers’ Competition announced for the 2015 World's Fair in Milan. American Huch Hodge (1977) had his studies in music in Oregon and in Stuttgart. Beside his chamber and symphonic works he also composes for multimedia and dance performances. Daniela Terranova studied composition from Azio Corghi and Ivan Fedele in Lugano and from Beat Furrer in Graz.
The Music & Dance project arrives to Budapest after their summer premieres in Milan and Helsinki.