Driving to Texas – Remembering András Wilheim
Kurtág György: Búcsú – …drága barátomnak és legközelebbi munkatársamnak Wilheim Andrisnak fájó szeretettel - premiere
Morton Feldman: Rothko Chapel – film excerpt
John Cage: Third Construction
László Vidovszky: Wer nun den lieben Gott läßt – Wer weiß, die nahe mir
J. S. Bach – György Kurtág: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit: Sonatina BWV 106
László Vidovszky: Es ist genug
J. S. Bach – György Kurtág: Alle Menschen müssen sterben BWV 643
György Kurtág: Az hit…
László Vidovszky: Vorbei – premiere
Zsolt Serei: Albumlap Wilheim András 40. születésnapjára
György Kurtág: Hommage a J. S. B.
György Kurtág: Vékony Ildikó 2009. október 3.
György Kurtág: Friedrich Gottlob Klopstock: Vorrede zu den Epigrammen
Zoltán Jeney: Adam’s Sleep
Barnabás Dukay: szívmagasságban, menny és föld
László Sáry: Souvenir
W. A. Mozart: Adagio in C major, K 356 617a – film excerpt
György Ligeti: Poème symphonique
Film excerpt featuring music by W. A. Mozart is part of the FUGA Microkoszmosz podcast episode (No. 84, Fuga: Budapest Center of Architecture, 2021).
Film excerpt featuring music by Morton Feldman is part of the TV series Kis esti zene (Loco Music, 1993).
- Amadinda Percussion Group: Károly Bojtos, Aurél Holló, Zoltán Rácz, Zoltán Váczi
- Máté Bán – flute
- Renáta Darázs – singer
- Marcell Dargay – piano
- Barnabás Dukay – piano
- János Fejérvári – viola (film excerpt)
- Balázs Futó – piano
- András Kemenes – piano
- Péter Kiss – piano
- György Kurtág – piano
- László Sáry – piano
- András Szalai – cimbalom
- Tomkins Vocal Ensemble, conductor: János Dobra (film excerpt)
- András Wilheim – piano, celesta (film excerpt)
- Tamás Zétényi – cello
"I'm taking the car. – Where? – To Texas. – Why are you driving to Texas? – To die." This was one of the last dialogues with musicologist András Wilheim (1949–2022) with his wife sitting beside his hospital bed. Which begs the question: why Texas, a place he himself never visited? The concert program will provide an answer, along with all the triumphs and incompleted plans of a life's work ending unexpectedly.
All free places are taken, we cannot accept any more registrations.