Evenings of Cinema │ Hajni Kis: Wild Roots
(Külön falka)
Hungarian-Slovak drama film, 2021, 98 min. - In Hungarian
director: Hajni Kis
script writer: Hajni Kis, Fanni Szántó
cinematography: Ákos Nyoszoli
editor: Vanda Gorácz
producer: Júlis Berkes
executive producer: Vikrótia Petrányi
music by Oleg Borsos
Featuring: Dietz Gusztáv, Zorka Horváth, Kati Andai, Réka Derzsi, Balázs Galkó, Anikó Haffner, György Honti, Toma Hrisztov, Péter Nádasdi, Gerda Pikali, Andrea Spolarics, Éva Füsti Molnár, Zsolt Reitter
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi (in Hungarian).
Guest: Hajni Kis - director
A wild 12 year old girl who has been with her grandparents decides against their advice to seek out her father, a bouncer with a temper who is just getting out of prison....
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail ([email protected]) is requested, latest by 12:00 15th December, 2021. Thanks for your understanding!