Evenings of Cinema | Lost Illusions
(Elveszett illúziók)
Hungarian drama film, 1983, 103 min. - In Hungarian
director: Gyula Gazdag
script writer: György Spiró, Miklós Győrffy, Gyula Gazdag
cinematography: Miklós Jancsó Jr.
editor: Júlia Sívó
music by István Márta
Featuring: Gábor Máté, Dorottya Udvaros, Ági Margitai, Ilona Béres, Juli Básti, László Sinkó, Ferenc Bessenyei, Robert East, Boguslaw Linda, Tamás Jordán, Lajos Őze
Balzac's classic novel is brought to life in Hungary in the late sixties. László Sárdi, a young man from the countryside, moves to Budapest. He and his lover, the older, pretty Mrs. Bársony, want to start a new life here, but she is distracted by her own interests and Sárdi is left on his own. His ambitions as a writer, however, keep him in the capital, where he is confident in his talent and wants to get ahead as quickly as possible. He lives in a rented flat, earns his living by delivering newspapers, and works obsessively on his drama at the library during the day. It is here that she meets a young writer, András Dániel, who is also without connections but has friends.
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi (in Hungarian).
Guest: István Márta, composer
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail ([email protected]) is requested, latest by 12:00 13th March, 2024. Thanks for your understanding!