Evenings of Cinema | The Danube Exodus
(A dunai exodus)
Hungarian dokumentary, 1998, 60 min. - In Hungarian
director, writer: Péter Forgács
cinematography: Nándor Andrásovits
editor: Kati Juhász
music by Tibor Szemző
The Hungarian filmmaker Péter Forgács is one of the most prominent so-called found footage filmmakers. In particular home movies and amateur films serve as the basis of stories he reveals and compose by using recovered personal and historical events.
He is primarily interested in the way in which these films seem to depict only happy moments, but on closer consideration they also appear to tell a hidden history, which can be brought back to the surface by the recycling filmmaker.
In the travelogue The Danube Exodus, he documents the Jewish exodus from Slovakia just before the beginning of World War II. In two boats, a group of nine hundred Slovak, Austrian Jews tried to reach the Black Sea via the river Danube, in order to get to Palestine from there. Forgács based his film on the amateur films of Captain Nándor Andrásovits, the captain of one of the boats.
He filmed his passengers while they prayed, slept and even got married. At the end of this journey, it is clear that the boat will not return empty: a reverse exodus takes place, this time of repatriating Bessarabian Germans, fleeing to the Third Reich because of the Soviet invasion of Bessarabia.
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi (in Hungarian).
Guest: Péter Forgács, director and Tibor Szemző, composer
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail ([email protected]) is requested, latest by 12:00 17th Aprils, 2024. Thanks for your understanding!