Gábor Gadó: Sanctus
- Gadó Gábor - gitár
- Dresch Mihály - szaxofon
- Mózes Tamara - ének
- Rácz Ottó - oboa
- Horváth Balázs - double bass
- Csízi László - drums
The presence of the spirituality in jazz is not unusual, but in no way evident, however it is one of the defining features in Gábor Gadó’s music. The Europe-wide renowned guitarist-composer was always inspired by the sacred, by the presence of holiness in the world. He is one of the rare figures in jazz who is able to transfer his deeply experienced spirituality, stemming from inside, to his music of firmly established structures balancing harmoniously with improvisation.
His program on the year's last concert at the Opus Jazz Club was compiled from those pieces of his nearly four-decades oeuvre, which are especially characteristic for the above said. Two wind instruments and vocals of the special lineup, selected for this occasion, create the tension between nuanced expressions of the guitar and the rhythm section.