
“If all the world were a blackbird...” - Bird Music for Flute and Piccolo


Antonio Vivaldi: Il Gardellino
performed by Anett Laura Kállai

József Sári: Alkonyati madárdal (Birdsong in the Dusk)
Zsuzsanna Sz. Ittzés

Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Impressions exotiques; Colibri
Boglárka Dávid

Ádám Kondor: Ut decet
Zsuzsanna Sz. Ittzés

François Couperin: Le Rossignol en Amour (A szerelmes csalogány dala)
Kinga Csizmadia 

Olivier Messiaen: Le merle noir (A feketerigó)
Ildikó Szabady 

Eugène Damaré: Le merle blanc (A fehér rigó)
Eszter Kovács 

Hamary András: Madárkeringő (Bird Waltz)
Zsuzsanna Sz. Ittzés

Jean Genin: The Fluttering Birds
Rebeka Frecska, Eszter Menyhárt

Termes Rita - piano
Tutors: Veronika Oross, Zsuzsanna Sz. Ittzés, Rita Termes

The unexpected and surprising but harmonious singing of birds have always fascinated mankind. For centuries, composers have been creating music to imitate bird songs on flute and piccolo, including some recent compositions to show the fragile nature of the life of birds alongside their virtuosity and agility. This concert features the flute students of the Liszt Academy of Music whose curriculum now includes piccolo playing as well since the last few years.

Free entry!

2018 December 03 Monday