
Jazzy Live│Szabolcs Oláh & Gábor Cseke Duo – Album debut concert

Opus Jazz Club
  • Oláh Szabolcs - gitár
  • Cseke Gábor - zongora

The duo was founded in 2016 from the idea of Szabolcs Oláh jazz-guitarist and composer. Szabolcs and Gábor have been playing together for several years in different formations. However the rare setting occurs in the history of jazz, their sound is unique because Szabolcs composed the music especially for this formation. The fruit of the musical and spiritual harmony between the two musicians became the new album, entitled Message From the Sun. The CD is going to be released on September 7, 2017 and will be presented at the Opus Jazz Club. Their sound is transparent, melodic and dynamic, creating improvizations again and again, based on the deeply emotional pieces.

Tickets are available for 1300 HUF on the spot,
online at, and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.

For information, please call +36 1 216 7894 and have your ticket or voucher at hand.


2017 October 13 Friday