LUDUS - Workshop concerts of László Sáry and the BHKZ Academy 3/1
- László Sáry - composer
- Géza Gémesi - composer, conductor
- String Ensemble of BHKZ Academy
- Pupils of Aladár Tóth Music School
An outstanding document of decades-long relationship between László Sáry and the community orchestra led by Géza Gémesi is the album Hyperion’s Song of Destiny released by BMC Records recently. Following this representative publication, their joint work focuses now on the extension of Sáry's creative musical methods.
The current series has a dual purpose. Firstly, it places the composer’s magnum opuses like the Ludus series, Full Moon, etc. next to some of his basic exercises leading up to them, just to interprete how simple elements can build up even masterpieces. Another, perhaps even more important goal intended to reach by the workshop would be the practical application of the method on the music education in today’s conditions. Along with the composer and the string orchestra, the pupils of its teacher-members would be also on our help to get closer to this aim.
Free entry!