Miklós Kocsár 83 - Birthday Concert
György Lakatos and his friends, and the students of the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, St. Stephen Secondary School of Music and the Debrecen Conservatory of Music perform works of Miklós Kocsár, celebrating his 83rd birthday.
1. Excerpts from Apróságok, performed by the students of the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, St. Stephen Secondary School of Music and the Debrecen Conservatory of Music
Featuring: Benedek Kocsár
Kotyogós variációk
Featuring: Bálint Fábry
Sándor, József, Benedek
Featuring: Eszter Paróczi, Boróka Bagi
Régi diákdal
Featuring: Lili Szutor, Benjamin Dolfin
Köszöntő, Kisvasút
Andante, Hullámok
Featuring: Adrienn Jakab, Hana Hasegava, István Kókai, Péter Sváby
2. Dialoghi
Featuring: Ágnes Herpay (1-2. movements), Duffek Mihály (3-4-5. movements), Ibolya Huszics - piano
3. Elegy
Featuring: György Lakatos, Chamber Orchestra of the Hungarian State Opera, conducted by Balázs Kocsár
4. 5 Bagatelles
Featuring: Ágnes Herpay, Lívia Vizsolyi, József Tóth, István Hartenstein, György Lakatos
5. Tavaszköszöntő
Featuring: every present bassoonists
Teachers: József Tóth, György Olajos, István Hartenstein
Free entry! Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.