
mustMEET Composers 2016 | Tale


Guests: Piroska Molnár actress and Peter Eötvös composer

„here the words become music”

Peter Eötvös’s 12,5 minutes Tale, „Sprachkomposition” on tape has been composed and recorded in 1968 compiling the motives of hundred Hungarian folk tales. All characters were impersonated by Piroska Molnár. The sound recording has beeen originally prepared in Budapest and then the electornic composition had been mixed in Cologne.

During the public meeting it will be possible to relive the original sound experience of 1968 when Tale was first presented in Darmstadt. Piroska Molnár and Peter Eötvös will talk about the creative process and their shared inspiration.

The Tale is available at these BMC Records albums:  
- As I Crossed the Bridge of Dreams (1999): 5.1 version  
- Vocal Works (2001): stereo version

Entry is free but the registration is obligatory at [email protected].

More information about the program’s of the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation:

2016 April 04 Monday