Roberto Manzin (I), Bálint Gyémánt and Péter Sárik Trio
- Sárik Péter - piano
- Fonay Tibor - bass, double bass
- Gálfi Attila - drums
- Roberto Manzin - sax
- Gyémánt Bálint - guitar
Italian-born but London-based saxophonist Roberto Manzin enchants critics with his prodigious technique, his riveting, melodistic solos, and the Websterian sensuousness of his sound. Last summer, Manzin performed at the Saulkrasti Jazz Festival in Latvia in the sextet of drummer Gábor Dörnyei along with pianist Péter Sárik and guitarist Bálint Gyémánt from Hungary. Their collaboration inspired the idea of a concert in Budapest, this time with Tibor Fonay and Attila Gálfi as the rhythm section. The concert will feature songs from Roberto Manzin’s latest album, as well as the compositions of Bálint Gyémánt and Péter Sárik, apropos of Sárik’s recently released album, Lucky Dog, and Gyémánt’s soon-to-be-released CD, True Listener.