
Schubert NOW! – BMC Records album release (HU)

Concert Hall
  • Veronika Harcsa - vocals
  • Anasztázia Razvaljajeva - harp
  • Bálint Bolcsó - electronics

The new production of harpist Anastasia Razvalyaeva, singer Veronika Harcsa and composer Bálint Bolcsó translates Schubert's music into contemporary musical language. After their album Debussy NOW!, released in 2020 on BMC Records and acclaimed internationally, the artists adapted the songs of another composer to their own instruments and language. Improvisations, timbres between classical and jazz vocal techniques, and live electronic effects further expand the infinite, sensual and eerily beautiful universe of Schubert's songs, while at the same time enhancing the expressive tools of the human voice, and the harp. The well-known, perennial songs are transformed into a truly contemporary spatial experience in the trio's performance. The full material of the album Schubert NOW!, to be released in early 2025, will be heard live for the first time at this concert, in the Concert Hall of BMC.


Tickets are available for 4900 HUF on the spot,
online at,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.


2025 February 21 Friday