Siena Jazz 5tet
Opus Jazz Club
- Tommaso Iacoviello - trumpet
- Federico Carnevali - guitar
- Danilo Tarso - piano
- Giovanni Miatto - electric bass
- Carmine Casciello - drums
5 students of Siena Jazz University who met during them jazz program in the bechelor framework at the Foundation, and had immediatly a great feeling on music and attitude with each other.
They started them collaboration during the second year of program and are now continuing to perform together as a real band.
They been performing at some relevant italian festivals and clubs like Parma Jazz, Torrione San Giovanni, Un Tubo Jazz Club, Monteriggioni by night, and more recently they’ve been opening the first Siena Jazz Summer Workshop session of the 45th edition.
They will record officially in coming december after a short tour planned for fall 2015.