
Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) IV. | Schumann and Brahms

Concert Hall

Robert Schumann: Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, op. 63
Johannes Brahms: Piano Trio No. 1 in B major, op. 8

  • János Mátyás Stark – violin
  • Gergely Devich – cello
  • Fülöp Ránki – piano

After four concerts in 2023, János Mátyás Stark, Gergely Devich, and Fülöp Ránki are announcing a new series at the BMC, now under the name of Trio Haris. The series will conclude with works by two closely related geniuses of romantic chamber music.

The professional and personal relationship between Schumann and Brahms has a wealth of musical and non-musical sources, and a vast literature. Both wrote three piano trios, the first of which will be performed in this concert. Schumann wrote his first trio in D minor (Op. 63) relatively late, and its troubled D minor, passing through the lively F major of the scherzo and the dark A minor of the slow movement, finally resolves into the luminous D major of the finale. Brahms's Trio in B flat major bears the opus number 8 – the composer wrote the first version in 1854, when he was twenty-one –, but this is misleading because it was thoroughly revised three and a half decades later. Dramaturgically, the work is essentially the reverse of Schumann's, and, uniquely among the top works of the trio repertoire, begins in a major key but ends in minor.

Further concerts in this series:

5 October 2024 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) I. | Haydn, Liszt, Schubert
4 January 2025 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) II. | Takemitsu, Schubert, Shostakovich
22 March 2025 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) III. | Haydn and Beethoven

Season tickets for 4 concerts are available for 10.000 HUF on the spot and online at

Tickets are available for 3000 HUF on the spot,
online at,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.


2025 June 07 Saturday