
Transparent Sound 2024 | UMZE Ensemble: Promenade – Vidovszky 80 / Eötvös 80

Átlátszó Hang New Music Festival 2024
Concert Hall

Balázs Horváth: Sky / Earth – for Double Bell Trumpet and Ensemble – world premiere, commission of the UMZE Ensemble
László Tihanyi:
Four Intermezzos – world premiere
László Vidovszky: Promenade
Péter Eötvös: Snatches of a Conversation

  • Tamás Pálfalvi – double bell trumpet
  • UMZE Ensemble
  • Conductors: Balázs Horváth and László Tihanyi

Two masters, two conductors, two essential works, and two premieres. László Tihanyi and Balázs Horváth, who are celebrating the 80th birthdays of Péter Eötvös and László Vidovszky, will perform a new piece each – related to the oeuvre of Vidovszky and Eötvös – this evening. The two composer-conductors will alternately conduct their own works and related pieces as part of this year's Átlátszó Hang New Music Festival. The special feature of the event will be the double bell trumpet, which gives the opportunity to quickly change different timbres, and on which Tamás Pálfalvi, the instrumental soloist of the UMZE Ensemble, will play.

Tickets are available for 2000 HUF on the spot,
online at,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.


2024 January 27 Saturday