
Weiner Ensemble - Purcell, Weiner, Tornyai, Webern, Schönberg


Henry Purcell: Phantasies (excerpts)
Leó Weiner / Máté Bán: Passacaglia Op. 44
Péter Tornyai: Can(z)oni dell' infinito (premiere)
Anton Webern / Máté Bán: Langsamer Satz
Arnold Schönberg / Anton Webern: Kammersymphonie Op. 9

  • Weiner Ensemble:
  • Réka Baksai - violin
  • Janka Jámbor - cello
  • Máté Bán - flute
  • Csaba Pálfi - clarinet
  • Imre Dani - piano

The Weiner Ensemble was founded in September 2014 from graduates and doctoral students of the Budapest Franz Liszt Academy of Music under professional supervision by professor Márta Gulyás. The primal aim of them is to draw the attention of the audience on a wide repertoire of pieces from Baroque solo pieces through 20th century compositions up to contemporary pieces, written for an individual setting of instruments. These pieces are performed usuall by a “Pierrot ensemble”, named after the twentieth-century composer Arnold Schoenberg’s seminal work Pierrot Lunaire. In 2015 the ensemble took the name of composer Leo Weiner approval of the Leo Weiner Foundation.

Free entry!

2015 December 02 Wednesday