CANCELLED | Bach Bridges | Hommage à György Kurtág
Csaba Szabó: Psalm from the collection of the Harmonized Transylvanian-Hungarian songs from 18th century
Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita in D major BWV 828
Ludwig van Beethoven: Duo for viola and cello (mit obligaten Augengläsern)
György Kurtág: Hommage à R. Sch op.15d (merkwürdige Piruetten des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler)
Molto semplice (E.*: der begrenzte Kreis…)
Feroce, agitato (… und wieder zuckt es schmerzlich F.* um die Lippen…)
Calmo, scorrevole (Felhő valék, már süt a nap …)
Presto In der Nacht
Adagio, poco andante (Meister Raro entdeckt Guillaume de Machaut)
Péter Eötvös: Two poems to Polly for a speaking cellist
György Kurtág: Solo pieces for cello: Az hit
Pilinszky János: Gérard de Nerval
Béla Bartók: Contrasts
Verbunkos (Recruiting Dance)
Pihenő (Relaxation)
Sebes (Fast Dance)
- Yang Yang Cai – piano
- Jae-Won Lee – violin
- Adrián Marrero – violin
- Michael Gieler – viola
- Ildikó Szabó – cello
- Péter Szabó – cello
- Laura Sánchez Hernández – clarinet
Dear Guests,
In accordance with the state of emergency declared on March 11 in Hungary, Budapest Music Center is cancelling all of its events between March 14 and April 13, 2020 as a force majeure measure. For events after April 13, ticket sales are suspended until further notice. Please check BMC's website for further announcements.
Tickets purchased online will be automatically refunded by Interticket. Tickets purchased in person are refundable at the point of purchase. Registered participants will be notified via email.
Opus Jazz Club will open its restaurant on weekdays between 11am and 16pm.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Budapest Music Center
March 12, 2020
The first program of this year's Bach Bridges Festival is dedicated to one of the greatest living Hungarian composer, György Kurtág. It reflects his love of chamber music and his close relationship with composers in the past, such as Bartók and Schumann. The young emerging world-renowned Hungarian cellist Ildikó Szabó will introduce solopieces which will soon be published on her latest CD. There is also a Hungarian debut of one of the best Dutch pianists from her generation, Yang Yang Cai.
The third Bach Bridges Festival at the Budapest Music Center is once again a collaboration between musicians of the Budapest Festival Orchestra and their colleagues of the Royal Concertgebouworkest from Amsterdam with the artistic direction of Michael Gieler and Péter Szabó. Their programs in this edition are dedicated to two of the greatest composers of all times, Bach and Beethoven. We are delighted to introduce a number of very promising young artists in our festival.
We will keep the tradition of starting each concert with the psalms of Csaba Szabó.
After their concerts at the BMC most musicians will continue to make music together at the International Bach Festival of Gran Canaria.
The Bach Bridges Festival is a joint project between the Music Stages Foundation from the Netherlands, the Csaba Szabó International Society from Hungary and the Budapest Music Center.
Dear Guests,
In accordance with the state of emergency declared on March 11 in Hungary, Budapest Music Center is cancelling all of its events between March 14 and April 13, 2020 as a force majeure measure. For events after April 13, ticket sales are suspended until further notice. Please check BMC's website for further announcements.
Tickets purchased online will be automatically refunded by Interticket. Tickets purchased in person are refundable at the point of purchase. Registered participants will be notified via email.
Opus Jazz Club will open its restaurant on weekdays between 11am and 16pm.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Budapest Music Center
March 12, 2020