BMC International Cimbalom Competition 2019 | Classical Concert
Johann Sebastian Bach: Solo Sonata in C Major, BWV 1005
(Adagio, Fuga, Largo, Allegro assai)
András Szalai – cimbalom
Johann Sebastian Bach: Violin Partita in d Minor, Chaconne, BWV 1004
Niccolò Paganini: Capriccio No. XXIV
Rózsa Farkas – cimbalom
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cello Suite in C Major, Prelude, BWV 1009
Kamilló Lendvay: Disposizioni
Ágnes Szakály – cimbalom
Three acclaimed Hungarian masters of the cimbalom play a special program featuring solo arrangements of well-known and highly virtuoso classical pieces by Bach and Paganini, complemented by Disposizioni, a four-part original for this unique instrument, written in 1975 by the prolific composer Kamilló Lendvay who passed away in 2016.
Free entry! Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.