Contemporary Gregorian - László Dés, Elemér Balázs Quartet, Voces4
Concert Hall
- Dés László - Balázs Elemér Quartett
- Dés László - szaxofon
- Balázs Elemér - dob
- Balázs József - zongora
- Barcza Horváth József - nagybőgő
- Voces4
- Mizsei Zoltán - bariton
- Patay Péter - kontratenor
- Gyula Csaba - tenor
- Demjén András - basszus
Middle Ages and Renaissance meets 21st century. A four-piece vocal ensemble and a jazz quartet creates from two different genres a third one. The musicians reflect on Gregorian melodies and on works of Perotinus, Stolzer, Gibbons and Lassus, keeping key elements of the original compositions: their rhythm, key and harmonies. Subjective musical associations of musicians of our day let centuries-old works and composers rise again and be our contemporaries.