Evenings of Cinema | This I Wish and Nothing More
(Nincsen nekem vágyam semmi)
Hungarian drama film, 1999, 80 min. (in Hungarian)
directed by Kornél Mundruczó
music by Zsófia Tallér, Csaba Faltay, Gábor Bruzsa
actors: Ervin Nagy, Roland Rába, Imre Csuja, Martina Kovács, Ági Szirtes, Sándor Csányi, Gábor Dióssi, Kálmán Somodi, Zoltán Kupcsok
Rural landscape, open spaces. That’s where Bruno and Mari live. They love each other, as in the tales. The silence stands still in their house. Where does Bruno go on weekdays? Bruno and Ringo are male prostitutes on the corso of the big city. Ringo, Mari’s brother loves Bruno. Sticks to him from Monday to Friday. Where does Bruno hide from himself every night? A lawyer, a regular guest of the boy, loves Bruno, too. Loves him pure, giving up everything. He takes care of him, gives him money. Bruno takes it and dissapears. Where is Bruno when not one of them can see him? Bruno doesn’t know anymore whom he loves. Which one of his lives, which city, which person. The chaos has taken over.
Not recommended for persons under 18 years of age!
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi. (in Hungarian)
Guest: Zsófia Tallér, Csaba Faltay
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail ([email protected]) is requested, latest by 12:00 7th March, 2018. Thanks for your understanding!