From outside of the “Work” - Lecture and concert - Series by János Bali 4/4.
15:30 Composition, interpretation, improvisation today
Conversation of György Kurtág Jr, Dániel Váczi, Péter Tornyai and János Bali (in Hungarian)
17:00 minimal - Concert
György Kurtág Jr - synthesizers, Dániel Váczi - saxophone, Péter Tornyai - violin, János Bali - recorder
Concerning music, our times’ dominant concept is to talk about "Works". About Pieces, finished and fixed up to their tiniest details, almost untouchable by copyrights protection, and thus hardly possible to pull them essentially and lively to any kind of real intellectual circulation. Strange might it seem, but this concept is not very old, it roots just in the 19th century.
The four concerts in our series confront improvised medieval and Renaissance music of the “pre-Works” era, Baroque sonatas formed to shape in the hands of contemporary virtuosos, compositions from the age of “Works” still embodying freedom form strict forms and the radically new approach of our times to hearing. The lectures provide the context to this, by each time trying to contemplate music from another angle outside of the “Works”.
Free entry!