
j(A)zz!│Sain Mus (A)

Opus Jazz Club
  • Clemens Sainitzer - cello
  • Philipp Erasmus - guitar

The two musicians Philipp Erasmus and Clemens Sainitzer have been playing together since 2006. Their goal has always been to expand the possibilities of their two instruments – cello and guitar – and create individual and distinct music through them. Improvisation and toying around with song elements makes every Sain Mus concert a unique and exciting experience – never the same, always changing.

Far off the beaten path, they wander around the narrow ridge between bliss and chaos, between structure and lack thereof, always spiralling around the centre of the storm.

The second album of Sain Mus is to be released in February 2017. Over two years the musicians worked on the record; they went out of the studio and recorded in different locations throughout Vienna to provide the songs with the places and spots they needed. Four very different rooms can be found on this record, ranging from a church to a small workplace of a painter. This mode of working suits the spirit of the band quite well: Being spontaneous and open to letting things happen to the music. 

2017 March 01 Wednesday