
Kodály Choir Debrecen: Madrigals of Modern Times

Concert Hall

John Rutter: Birthday Madrigals (excerpts)
William Hawley: Six Madrigals (excerpts)
Barna Szabó: Lacrymarium (excerpts)
Péter Tóth: Madrigal (Sonnet 97 by William Shakespeare)
Dániel Dobos: It is the Hour – premiere
Tamás Beischer-Matyó: Madrigals of Passion and Wisdom – No. 2 Falstaff's Letter
Gyula Bánkövi: new piece – premiere
Bence Kutrik: A jó szolga balladája – premiere
György Orbán: Három szász népdal
János Vajda: Deákpályám
Árpád Barabás: Madrigálok Kányádi Sándor verseire (excerpts)

  • Kodály Choir Debrecen
  • Olga Vojevogyina – piano
  • Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper

The first concert of the Kodály Choir's Budapest Contemporary Series will feature a lively programme, including premieres of works by John Rutter, William Hawley, Barna Szabó, Péter Tóth, Dániel Dobos, Tamás Beischer-Matyó, Gyula Bánkövi, Bence Kutrik, György Orbán, János Vajda and Árpád Barabás.
The contemporary series will continue on 5 April with a concert entitled Italian Flavours - Palestrina Then and Now, featuring the Italian guest conductor Lorenzo Donati and the Kodály Choir. The final concert of the series will be Mary, Mary, Heavenly Flower on 24 May with the choir and its conductor, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper.

Tickets are available for 3500 HUF on the spot,
online at,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.

Special offer until 1 March 2025, 5 PM:
10% discount for one concert, 20% discount for two concerts, 30% discount for three concerts.

Further concerts in the series:
5 April 2025 17:00 Kodály Choir Debrecen: Italian Flavours - Palestrina Then and Now
24 May 2025 17:00 Kodály Choir Debrecen: Mary, Mary, Heavenly Flower

2025 March 01 Saturday