TRIGGER - Journey Round the Skulls
Iannis Xenakis: Orient-Occident
Szabolcs Keresteš: CLV
Bálint Baráth: Cavitation control
Ákos Nagy: Recitazioni to Ádám Kondor
Conlon Nancarrow: Study No. 11
John Chowing: Stria
Vladimir Ussachevsky: Wireless Fantasy
Ádám Kondor: Four Soundcollage
Ákos Nagy: Chiaroscuro
Bálint Baráth: Spectrum Etude No. 1
- Bálint Barát - electronics
- Szabolcs Keresteš - electronics
- Ákos Nagy - electronics, percussion
- Hungarian Soundpainting Orchestra
“The real boundary line in the music of the 20th century was marked by use of tape recorders as means to music making, appearance of electronic musical instruments and studios – in short, by the birth of electronic music. If I’m asked, what was the greatest achievement in the 20th century music, without hesitation I would reply, electronic music, as we can create Homunculus through it.
In spite of these results, music operating with electronic sound-signals, or various electronic filtering and modulation systems is still not really accepted by the general public. Instead of any historical overview just a few questions: is the music independent of the material which makes it sound? Is it impossible that music made audible by use of objects meant for everyday use can be beautiful? Would we be surprised to find out that centuries ago a Jesuit monk, or Arcimboldo and Leonardo were experimenting with music machines? The pieces we will hear maybe can help find the answers ...” (Ákos Nagy)
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