Trio Trara (A)
- Klemens Lendl - violin, voice
- Manu Mayr - bass
- Peter Rom - guitar
Peter Rom, Klemens Lendl and Manu Mayr are important elements of Vienna´s music scene: Peter Rom has been a creative linchpin of many projects in and around JazzWerkstatt Wien (Rom/Schaerer/Eberle, JazzWerkstatt Wien New Ensemble, FuzzNoir). Klemens Lendl´s focus are the songs of this town - as one half of the Viennese Duo "Die Strottern" and singer of the "Hannes Löschel Stadtkapelle". Manu Mayr gets to the bottom of his instrument between jazz, contemporary and electronic music – from Kompost 3 to Klangforum Wien.
The trio´s new CD Film Still features nine songs reflecting different backgrounds and ideas – listening to the music you really hear and feel the fun the Trio had recording these tunes. Some pieces are highly energetic, some are more dreamy and quiet. Sophisticated trashy sketches meet resonating sound impressions creating associations of a cineastic, graphic quality.