Charity Concert of the Physicians' Orchestra of the Semmelweis University
Program H. Purcell: Chaconne H. Purcell: The virtouos wife suite J.S. Bach: Et exultavit – excerpt from Magnificat soloist: Cecília Széll J.S.Bach: Violin concerto in a-minor, I. Movement violin: dr. László Kelemen -break- A.Vivaldi: Quia respexit – excerpt from Magnificat soloist: Zsófia Csikós Tardy A.Vivaldi: L’ Estro Armonico: Concerto IV. W.A. Mozart: Sub tuum praesidium - antifona soloists: Zsófia Csikós Tardy and Cecília Széll W.A. Mozart: Piano concerto in A-Major piano: dr. Ilona Kolbe conductor: László Tardy Entry is free of charge, all monetary proceedings will be donated to Tüdőér Egylet (Vena Polmonare Association for people suffering from vena polmonare disease). ATTENTION! Number of seats are limited to 330, seating will happen upon arrival.