GoetheJazz: Grencsó Collective feat. Rudi Mahall (D)
Opus Jazz Club
István Grencsó - saxophone, flute
Máté Pozsár - piano
Róbert Benkő - double bass
Szilveszter Miklós - drums
Guest: Rudi Mahall - clarinet
Dominant musician of Hungarian avant-garde jazz, István Grencsó is in top-form with his two-generations-quartet. The saxophone player and his long-time buddy, the reliable and rock-solid bass player Róbert Benkő create a harmonic balance with the two promising representatives of the youngest generation. Whether composed or free, calm or exciting, melodic or atonal - it doesn't matter as everything works frictionless and fluently in the Collective. On the first event of the Goethe-Jazz series the quartet is completed by Rudi Mahall as their guest. The artist, often mentioned as “the best bass-clarinettist of the world” is not unfamiliar to Hungarian public. The 47-year-old Mahall, who came to improvised jazz after his classical studies, is acknowledged and sought-after not only in his homeland but worldwide.
Tickets for 1000 HUF available at BMC, in the national JEGYPONT network of Interticket and at JEGY.HU>