Händel: Deborah
Concert Hall
Deborah, Prophetess – Krisztina Jónás (soprano)
Jael, Jewish Woman – Nóra Ducza (soprano)
Barak, Chief of the Jews – Armin Gramer (counter tenor)
Sisera, Chief of the Canaanites, High-priest of Baal – László Jekl (bass)
Abinoam, Father of Barak – Tomáš Šelc (bass)
Savaria Baroque Orchestra on period instruments Kodály Choir Debrecen
conductor: Pál Németh www.savariabaroqueorchestra.com www.kodalykorus.hu Tickets are available for 2500 HUF on the spot, in the national JEGYPONT network of Interticket and online at JEGY.HU. Tickets for pensioners and students: 1000 HUF
Savaria Baroque Orchestra on period instruments Kodály Choir Debrecen
conductor: Pál Németh www.savariabaroqueorchestra.com www.kodalykorus.hu Tickets are available for 2500 HUF on the spot, in the national JEGYPONT network of Interticket and online at JEGY.HU. Tickets for pensioners and students: 1000 HUF