
István Grencsó, Maral Yakshieva, Bálint Bolcsó H O M O G E N O U S (H/RU)

Opus Jazz Club
  • Maral Yakshieva - piano
  • Bolcsó Bálint - electronics
  • Grencsó István - wind instruments

Always on the move and constantly seeeking new horizons, István Grencsó is an ever young Hungarian jazz man with a thousand faces. True to his trademark sarcasm, he defines his joint project with composer and electronic musician Bálint Bolcsó and pianist Maral Yakshieva as "not mainstream, not free, not jazzy... it's music for tourists". With a background in classical and contemporary music as well as jazz, Maral Yakshieva is the perfect partner for Grencsó's ever-shifting musical microcosm.

“Maral is a tremendously gifted natural musician with a mastery of the piano and a solid understanding of various jazz and improvisational languages. She has a complete understanding of the contemporary music lexicon both in classical forms and improvisational practices and she is a compelling and versatile performer.”
Matthew Shipp

2017 September 05 Tuesday