Kodály Choir Debrecen: Awakening
Eric Whitacre: Sleep
Ēriks Ešenvalds: Northern Lights
Bence Kutrik: Tavasz-esti dal
Máté Bella: O Oriens
Zoltán Kovács: Adj már csendességet
Rezső Sugár: Tavaszodik
Árpád Balázs: Virágim, virágim
Viktor Magyaróvári: Tavasztündér
Miklós Kocsár: Csodafiú-szarvas
Vytautas Miskinis: Dum medium silentium
György Orbán: Mundi renovatio
Jake Runestad: Alleluia
- Kodály Choir Debrecen
- Choir Spontánusz
- Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper
The second event of the Kodály Choir's contemporary series is a special occasion: the doctorate concert of the choir's principal conductor will be presented to those who visit BMC on the 1st of June. In the concert, entitled Awakening, the audience can experience the awakening and blossoming of the soul, the nature and the sacred miracles through the works of Hungarian and foreign composers.
Tickets are available for 3500 HUF on the spot,
online at jegy.hu,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.