Opus Jazz Club
Edina Mókus Szirtes - vocals, violin
János Nagy - piano
Kornél Mogyoró - percussion
Though having fairly different musical backgrounds, the members of the trio are common in their readiness for improvisation, for crossing borders of different styles as well as in their vocation for composing.
János Nagy (Free Style Chamber Orchestra, János Nagy Trio), Edina Mókus Szirtes (Fabula Rasa) and Kornél Mogyoró (Trans-Formation) are outstanding representatives of Hungarian jazz, folk and crossover on their own, so it’s no surprise that the repertoire of their common work in MoNaMo, formed in 2010, is a special but organic amalgam of most different fields of music: protestant chants are melting with jazz, contemporary Hungarian poems with folk music, sometimes it seems that we are listening to classical music while in the next moment we meet a well-known standard with a unique arrangement.
Free entry!